Words: , 1851 (Med Gud och hans väns­kap), in the pa­per Pie­tist­en; trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to English by .

Music: Ack, Sa­li­ga Stund­er, , 1851.

Olson’s Eng­lish trans­la­tion takes some li­ber­ties with Ro­sen­i­us’ lyr­ics. The orig­in­al first stan­za has no re­fe­rence to Kor­sets teck­en (“sign of the cross”); a li­ter­al trans­la­tion would have been “With God and His Friend­ship, His Spir­it and Word.” Ro­sen­i­us’ se­cond stan­za lacks the words se­gerns ban­er (“the ban­ner of vic­to­ry”), but the over­all theme is of fel­low­ship and the Lord’s pas­tor­al care. On­ly the third stan­za of the trans­la­tion shows a close fi­del­i­ty to the Ro­sen­i­us ori­gin­al. Over­all, Ol­sen’s ren­der­ing is more mil­i­tant than Ro­sen­i­us’, but a sol­id mes­sage ne­ver­the­less.

The sign of the cross I triumphantly bear,
Though none of my kindred that emblem may wear.
I joyfully follow the champions of right,
Who march on to glory, who march on to glory,
Who march on to glory with weapons of might.

The Pillar that guides us through peril and strife,
The Rock that is cleft, giving waters of life,
Is Christ and His cross. By His Spirit and Word
The heart He refreshes, the heart He refreshes,
The heart He refreshes, our Savior and Lord.

O Shepherd, abide with us, care for us still,
And feed us and lead us, and teach us Thy will,
And when in Thy heavenly fold we shall be,
Our thanks and our praises, our thanks and our praises,
Our thanks and our praises we’ll render to Thee.