Words: , 1868:

Written in the midst of af­flict­ion, Sept. 1868, and pub. in his Lay­man’s Legacy, 1877…en­ti­tled “The Mys­te­ry of Life.”

Music: Im­pli­cit Trust, , 1905. Al­ter­nate tune:

Slowly, slowly darkening
The evening hours roll on;
And soon behind the cloud-land
Will sink my setting sun.

Around my path life’s mysteries
Their deepening shadows throw;
And as I gaze and ponder,
They dark and darker grow.

But there’s a voice above me
Which says, “Wait, trust and pray;
The night will soon be over,
And light will come with day.”

Father! the light and darkness
Are both alike to Thee;
Then to Thy waiting servant,
Alike they both shall be.

The great unending future,
I cannot pierce its shroud;
Yet nothing doubt, nor tremble,
God’s bow is on the cloud.

To Him I yield my spirit,
On Him I lay my load;
Fear ends with death; beyond it
I nothing see but God.

Thus moving towards the darkness
I calmly wait His call,
Now seeing, fearing—nothing;
But hoping, trusting—all!