Words: , 1851.

Music: Fal­field, , 1867. Al­ter­nate tunes:

  • Beecher, , Christ­ian Heart Songs, 1870
  • Hyfrydol, , 1830
  • Iona, (1840-1901)
  • Lugano, Cath­o­lic Hymn Tunes, 1849
  • St. Os­wald, , 1857

Coxe began writ­ing these words on Good Fri­day, 1850, but did not fin­ish them un­til the next year, at Mag­da­len Col­lege, Ox­ford, En­gland. They were first pub­lished in Verses for 1851, in Com­mem­o­ra­tion of the Third Ju­bi­lee of the So­ci­e­ty for the Prop­a­ga­tion of the Gos­pel, by .

Savior, sprinkle many nations;
Fruitful let Thy sorrows be;
By Thy pains and consolations
Draw the Gentiles unto Thee!

Of Thy cross the wondrous story,
Be it to the nations told;
Let them see Thee in Thy glory
And Thy mercy manifold.

Far and wide, though all unknowing,
Pants for Thee each mortal breast,
Human tears for Thee are flowing,
Human hearts in Thee would rest.

Thirsting as for dews of even,
As the new mown grass for rain
Thee they seek as God of heaven,
Thee as Man for sinners slain.

Savior, lo! the isles are waiting
Stretched the hand and strained the sight,
For Thy Spirit, new creating,
Love’s pure flame, and wisdom’s light.

Give the word, and of the preacher
Speed the foot and touch the tongue,
Till on earth by every creature
Glory to the Lamb be sung!