Words: Appeared in Hymns Adapted to Public Worship, Collected from Various Authors, by S. Woolmer (Exeter, England: 1801). In D. Sedgwick’s marked copy of John Dobell’s New Selection, 1806, the author is given as Jonathan Allen; it is not known what authority Sedgwick used to attribute the lyrics to Allen. In later hymnals, the first and second verse are sometimes transposed.
Music: Unser Herrscher, , 1680. Alternate tune:
Sinners, will you scorn the message
Sent in mercy from above?
Every sentence, O how tender!
Every line is full of love:
Listen to it, listen to it,
Every line is full of love.
Hear the heralds of the Gospel
News from Zion’s King proclaim:
“Pardon to each rebel sinner,
Free forgiveness in His Name”:
How important, how important,
“Free forgiveness in His Name.”
Tempted souls, they bring you succor;
Fearful hearts, they quell your fears,
And, with news of consolation,
Chase away the falling tears:
Tender heralds, tender heralds,
Chase away the falling tears.
False professors, groveling wordlings,
Callous hearers of the Word,
While the messengers address you,
Take the warnings they afford;
We entreat you, we entreat you,
Take the warnings they afford.
O ye angels, hovering round us,
Waiting spirits, speed your way;
Haste ye to the court of heaven,
Tidings bear without delay,
Rebel sinners, rebel sinners,
Glad the message will obey.