Words: , in Hymns Tried and True, by (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: The Bi­ble In­sti­tute Col­port­age As­so­ci­a­tion, 1911), num­ber 5.

Music: .

If you know H. H. Mc­Gran­a­han’s full name, or where to get a pho­to of him

If you would rescue a soul from its sin,
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
If for God’s kingdom a soul you would win,
Tell the sweet story of love.


Tell the sweet story of love,
Jesus will smile from above;
Tell the sweet story, the beautiful story,
The wonderful story of love.

If you would comfort a sorrowing heart,
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
Joy overflowing His peace will impart,
Tell the sweet story of love.


If you would kindle love’s beautiful flame,
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
In darkened hearts that have ne’er heard His Name,
Tell the sweet story of love.


Would you make earth like a heaven below?
Tell the sweet story of Jesus;
Lovingly, gently, wherever you go,
Tell the sweet story of love.
