Words: , Ap­ril 19, 1872; first pub­lished in Ev­en­ing Hours, 1872.

Music: , 1881.

It was a snowy morn­ing, and Miss Ha­ver­gal was not able to go to church. She was in bed, and asked for her Pray­er-book, as she al­ways liked to fol­low the serv­ic­es of the day. On Mr. Shaw’s re­turn from church, he heard her touch on the pi­a­no. “Why, Fran­ces, I thought you were up­stairs!” “Yes; but I had my Pray­er-book, and in the Psalms for to-day, I read, ‘Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord is King.’ I thought, ‘What a splen­did first line!’ and then words and mu­sic came rush­ing in to me. There, it’s all writ­ten out.” With cop­per-plate neat­ness she had ra­pid­ly writ­ten out the words, mu­sic, and har­mo­nies com­plete.

Dr. James, Vi­car of North Mars­ton, says that Miss Ha­ver­gal had ex­haust­ed her­self at a Som­er­set­shire gar­den par­ty, but hap­pened to over­hear her host­ess’s re­gret that the ser­vants had not been present. She ex­claimed, ‘Oh, if it is work for the Mas­ter, of course I can do it.’ She was suf­fer­ing much from the sting of a bee, but threw off her hat and gloves, sat down at the pi­a­no, and great­ly im­pressed ‘a whole re­ti­nue of servants’ by sing­ing from the Mes­si­ah, ‘Come un­to Me, all ye that la­bor and are hea­vy lad­en, and I will give you rest.’ When all was done she stood up and said, ‘Now I am go­ing to tell you what you must do when you your­selves have ac­cept­ed the in­vi­ta­tion.’ She sang out be­fore her spell­bound au­di­ence, ‘Tell it out among the heath­en that the Lord is King’ to her own mu­sic. As they lin­gered she prom­ised to send each of them a copy. Dr. James said that at least one per­son was turned to Christ by that mu­sic­al af­ter­noon.

Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord is King;
Tell it out! Tell it out!
Tell it out among the nations, bid them shout and sing;
Tell it out! Tell it out!
Tell it out with adoration that He shall increase,
That the mighty King of Glory is the King of Peace;
Tell it out with jubilation, let the song ne’er cease;
Tell it out! Tell it out!

Tell it out among the heathen that the Savior reigns;
Tell it out! Tell it out!
Tell it out among the nations, bid them break their chains;
Tell it out! Tell it out!
Tell it out among the weeping ones that Jesus lives,
Tell it out among the weary ones what rest He gives,
Tell it out among the sinners that He still receives;
Tell it out! Tell it out!

Tell it out among the heathen, Jesus reigns above;
Tell it out! Tell it out!
Tell it out among the nations that His reign is love;
Tell it out! Tell it out!
Tell it out among the highways and the lanes at home,
Let it ring across the mountains and the ocean’s foam,
Like the sound of many waters, let our glad shout come!
Tell it out! Tell it out!