Words: , in Neu­es geist­reich­es Ge­sang­buch, by , 1714 (O Gott, du Tiefe son­der Grund); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by , Col­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns (Charles­ton, South Car­o­li­na: 1737). The ver­sion be­low is a cen­to in the Scot­tish Evan­gel­i­cal Un­ion Hymn Book of 1856.

Music: Wareham, , 1738.

Thine, Lord, is wisdom, Thine alone;
Justice and truth before Thee stand:
Yet, nearer to Thy sacred throne,
Mercy withholds Thy lifted hand.

Each evening shows Thy tender love,
Each rising morn Thy plenteous grace;
Thy wakened wrath doth slowly move,
Thy willing mercy flies apace.

To Thy benign, indulgent care,
Father, this light, this breath, we owe;
And all we have, and all we are,
From Thee, great Source of being, flow.

Thrice Holy! Thine the kingdom is,
The power omnipotent is Thine;
And when created nature dies,
Thy never ceasing glories shine.