Words: , before 1901 (Ye­su, Bin Mar­i­a­mu). Palm­er wrote this hymn as a re­qui­em for a mem­ber of the UMCA, and it was in­clud­ed in the Mis­sion’s Swa­hi­li Hymn Book; Palm­er trans­lat­ed the words from Swa­hi­li to Eng­lish in 1902, when they were first print­ed pri­vate­ly. The vers­es be­low are stan­zas 2, 3 & 4 of the trans­la­tion.

Music: Wa­rum Sind die Thrä­nen, , 1785.

Think, O Lord, in mercy on the souls of those
Who, in faith gone from us, now in death repose.
Here ’mid stress and conflict toils can never cease;
There, the warfare ended, bid them rest in peace.

Often were they wounded in the deadly strife;
Heal them, Good Physician, with the balm of life.
Every taint of evil, frailty and decay,
Good and gracious Savior, cleanse and purge away.

Rest eternal grant them, after weary fight;
Shed on them the radiance of Thy heav’nly light.
Lead them onward, upward, to the holy place,
Where Thy saints, made perfect, gaze upon Thy face.
