Words: , 1906.

Music: .

If you know W. A. Post’s full name, or where to get a pho­to of him

Whispering winds softly sighing, daylight dying,
Stars thro’ the low-bending heavens slowly creep;
Fluttering wings of the angels swift descending,
Beautiful chorals awaking earth from sleep.


Hail Him! hail Him! Jesus the holy.
Hallelujah, sing unto His Name;
Now and evermore the same,
Hail Him with gladness, His pow’r proclaim.

Lullabies tenderly swelling, sweetly telling,
Jesus the promised Messiah, draweth near;
Hushed into wondering silence, shepherds listen,
Glory light streaming around them, bright and clear.


Silvery echoes are ringing, good news bringing,
Blending with songs of the angels far away,
Breathing their story of gladness through the stillness,
Hail to the Savior most holy, born today.
