Words: , 1889.

In 1887, Anzen­tia, her hus­band and child­ren tra­veled from their home in Mi­chi­gan on an evan­gel­ism tour of Kan­sas. En route, the child­ren were play­ing with coins, and seven-year-old Eva swal­lowed some. Swal­lowed coins of­ten pass harm­less­ly, but these did not. Five days lat­er, Eva an­nounced she was go­ing to Heav­en. She gave away her child­hood trea­sures to her fam­i­ly, then got in her bro­ther’s lap and sang “In­to My Heart, Come in­to My Heart Lord Je­sus.” Af­ter that she passed away to Heav­en. Her heart­brok­en par­ents, not fin­ished with their tour, put Eva in­to a glass topped cof­fin and stored it in a cave. When the tour was over, they bur­ied her in Ed­na, Kan­sas. Af­ter the fam­i­ly re­turned home, then moved to Is­a­bel­la Coun­ty, Mi­chi­gan, An­zen­tia wrote this song in mem­o­ry of Eva.

Music: .

With friends on earth we meet in gladness,
While swift the moments fly,
Yet ever comes the tho’t of sadness,
That we must say, “Goodbye.”


We’ll never say goodbye in Heav’n,
We’ll never say goodbye,
For in that land of joy and song,
We’ll never say goodbye.

How joyful is the hope that lingers,
When loved ones cross death’s sea,
That we, when all earth’s toils are ended,
With Thee shall ever be.


No parting words shall e’er be spoken,
In yonder home so fair,
But songs of joy, and peace, and gladness,
We’ll sing forever there.
