Words & Music: , 1934:

I wrote it at three o’clock in the morn­ing, bowed un­der the im­ea­sur­a­ble bur­den of the stu­pen­dous re­spon­si­bil­i­ties of the call that had come to me on be­ing elect­ed Gen­er­al of the In­ter­na­tion­al Sal­va­tion Ar­my.

Evan­gel­ine Booth, Songs of the Evan­gel, 1937

The world for God! The world for God!
There’s nothing else will meet the hunger of my soul.
I see forsaken children, I see the tears that fall
From women’s eyes once merry, now never laugh at all;
I see the sins and sorrows of those who sit in darkness;
I see in lands far distant, the hungry and oppressed.
But behold! On a hill, Calvary! Calvary!


The world for God! The world for God!
I give my heart! I’ll do my part!
The world for God! The world for God!
I give my heart! I’ll do my part!

The world for God! The world for God!
I call to arms the soldiers of the blood and fire:
Go with the Holy Bible. Its words are peace and life
To multitudes who struggle with crime and want and strife.
Go with your songs of mercy, show Christ in loving kindness,
Make known the sufferings of the cross, the sacrifice of God.
For behold! On a hill, Calvary! Calvary!


The world for God! The world for God!
For this, dear Lord, give to my soul consuming fire.
Give fire that makes men heroes, turns weakness into might,
The fire that gives the courage to suffer for the fight,
The fire that changes fearing to Pentecostal daring,
The fire that makes me willing for Christ to live or die;
For behold! On a hill, Calvary! Calvary!
