Born: Ju­ly 22, 1855, Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: Oc­to­ber 10, 1930, Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Benson grad­u­at­ed from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­van­ia law school, but prac­ticed law on­ly sev­en years. In 1877, he en­tered Prince­ton The­o­log­ic­al Sem­in­ary, where his fa­ther was a trust­ee. Up­on grad­u­a­tion, Louis was or­dained a min­is­ter and pas­tored at the Pres­by­ter­i­an Church of the Re­deem­er in Ger­man­town, Penn­syl­van­ia. He al­so be­came a lead­ing au­thor­i­ty in hymn­ol­o­gy; his lib­rary even­tu­al­ly grew to 9,000 vol­umes. In 1895, Benson helped edit The Hymn­al of the Pres­by­ter­i­an Church in the United States of Amer­i­ca. Ben­son’s other works in­clude:



  1. By Roads That Wound Up­hill and Down (1927)
  2. For the Bread, Which Thou Hast Brok­en
  3. From Hands That Would Our Land De­flow­er
  4. Glory Lit the Wint­ry Sky, A
  5. Happy Town of Sa­lem
  6. I Name Thy Hal­lowed Name (1926)
  7. In Lands Across the Sea
  8. King Might Miss the Guid­ing Star, A
  9. Light of God Is Fall­ing, The
  10. Now the Win­try Days are O’er
  11. O Christ, Who Didst Our Tasks Ful­fill
  12. O Love That Lights the East­ern Sky (© 1925)
  13. O Risen Christ
  14. O Sing a Song of Beth­le­hem
  15. O Thou Whose Gra­cious Pre­sence Blest
  16. Open the Door to the Sav­ior
  17. Our Willful Hearts Have Gone Astray
  18. Out of the Skies, like An­gel Eyes
  19. Sun Is on the Land and Sea, The
  20. When I Awake from Slum­ber
  21. Who Will Teach Me How to Pray?


  1. Near the Cross, Her Vi­gil Keep­ing

If you know Ben­son’s bur­i­al place