Born: June 24, 1663; christ­ened Ju­ly 5, 1663 at St. Mar­tin in the Field, West­min­ster, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: June 1772.

Son of a Cha­pel Roy­al chor­is­ter of the same name, Courte­ville be­came or­gan­ist at St. James’ Ta­ber­na­cle, West­min­ster, Eng­land, September 7, 1691, at an an­nu­al sal­a­ry of £20. Ac­cord­ing to church re­cords, he held this po­si­tion 81 years (at any rate, there is no re­cord of a change in or­gan­ist dur­ing that per­i­od, though Courte­ville did have a son, al­so named Ralph, and al­so a mu­si­cian).



  1. St. James
