Born: March 10, 1823, Kings­ton-up­on-Hull, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 22, 1876, Tice­hurst, Sus­sex, Eng­land.

Buried: St. Oswald’s, Dur­ham, Eng­land.

At age 12, Dykes be­came as­sist­ant or­gan­ist at St. John’s Church in Hull, where his grand­fa­ther was vicar. He stu­died at Wake­field and St. Cath­er­ine’s Hall in Cam­bridge, where he was a Dikes Scholar, Pre­si­dent of the Cam­bridge Uni­vers­i­ty Mu­sic­al So­ci­e­ty, and earned a BA in Clas­sics. In 1848, he be­came cur­ate at Malton, York­shire. For a short time, he was canon of Dur­ham Ca­thed­ral, then pre­cent­or (1849-1862). In 1862 he be­came Vi­car of St. Os­wald’s, Dur­ham (he named a son John St. Os­wald Dykes, and one of his tunes St. Oswald).

Dykes pub­lished ser­mons and ar­ti­cles on re­li­gion, but is best known for com­pos­ing over 300 hymn tunes. In his mu­sic, as in his ec­cles­i­as­tic­al work, he was less dog­ma­tic than ma­ny of his con­temp­o­rar­ies about the the­o­log­ic­al con­tro­ver­sies of the day—he oft­en ful­filled re­quests for tunes for non-Anglican hymns. In ad­di­tion to his gift for writ­ing mu­sic, he played the or­gan, pi­ano, vi­o­lin, and horn.



  1. Alford
  2. Almsgiving
  3. Beatitudo
  4. Blairgowrie
  5. Calm
  6. Charitas
  7. Christus Consolator
  8. Come unto Me
  9. Commendatio
  10. Derry
  11. Dies Dominica
  12. Dies Irae
  13. Dominus Regit Me
  14. Durham
  15. Easter Chant
  16. Ersurge
  17. Esca Viatorum
  18. Etiam et Mihi
  19. Faith
  20. Ferrier
  21. Fiat Lux
  22. First Fruits
  23. Gerontius
  24. Gethsemane
  25. Glebe Field
  26. Hollingside
  27. Horbury
  28. Hosanna
  29. In Tenebris Lumen
  30. Jesu, Magister Bone
  31. Judea
  32. Keble
  33. Laud
  34. Lindisfarne
  35. Litany of the Passion
  36. Lux Benigna
  37. Lux Vera
  38. Mary Magdalene
  39. Melita
  40. Nicaea
  41. O Quanta Qualia
  42. Olivet
  43. On the Birthday of the Lord
  44. Paradise
  45. Pax Dei
  46. Prince of Peace
  47. Requiescat
  48. Rivaulx
  49. Salvete Flores
  50. Sancti Venite
  51. Sanctuary
  52. Shoreham
  53. Sleep! Ho­ly Babe
  54. St. Aelred
  55. St. Agnes
  56. St. Alban
  57. St. Anatolius
  58. St. Andrew of Crete
  59. St. Bees
  60. St. Cross
  61. St. Cuthbert
  62. St. Drostane
  63. St. Godric
  64. St. John
  65. St. Ninian
  66. St. Oswald
  67. St. Sylvester
  68. Stabat Mater
  69. Strength and Stay
  70. Trin­i­ty Coll­ege
  71. Veni Cito
  72. Veni Creator
  73. Vesperi Lux
  74. Visio Domini
  75. Vox Angelica
  76. Vox Delicti