Born: April 2, 1920, At­lan­tic, Io­wa.

Son of George Wash­ing­ton and Ethel Horn Rey­nolds, and ne­phew to Ish­am E. Rey­nolds, Will­iam was ed­u­cat­ed at Ok­la­ho­ma Bap­tist Un­i­ver­si­ty, South­west Mis­sou­ri State Coll­ege (AB 1942), South­west­ern Bap­tist The­o­lo­gi­cal Sem­in­a­ry (MSM 1945), North Tex­as State Coll­ege (MM 1946), West­min­ster Choir Coll­ege, and the George Pea­bo­dy Coll­ege for Teach­ers (EdD 1961). While a stu­dent, he was a part time church mu­sic di­rect­or for se­ven years, then served as min­is­ter of mu­sic at the First Ba­ptist Church, Ard­more, Ok­la­ho­ma (1946-7); and the First Bap­tist Church, Ok­la­ho­ma Ci­ty, Ok­la­ho­ma (1947-55). In 1955, he joined the Church Mu­sic De­part­ment of the Bap­tist Sun­day School Board in Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see, ris­ing to de­part­ment head in 1971. He al­so served as mu­sic di­rect­or for meet­ings of the South­ern Bap­tist Con­ven­tion, the Bap­tist World Al­li­ance, and the Bap­tist Youth World Con­fer­ence. He com­posed and ar­ranged a va­ri­e­ty of sac­red mu­sic. His works in­clude:



  1. Assam (arrangement)
  2. Clonmel (arrangement)
  3. Cobbs (arrangement)
  4. Denny
  5. El Dorado
  6. For Me (arrangement)
  7. Keegan
  8. McClard
  9. McNeely
  10. Mora Proctor
  11. Paschall
  12. Sims
  13. Sullivan
  14. Washburn
  15. Wondrous Love (arrangement)