Born: March 14, 1826, Buck­land, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Died: Ap­ril 14, 1888, Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Buried: Ash­field, Mass­a­chu­setts.

After moving to Bos­ton as a teen­ag­er, Sherwin stu­died mu­sic un­der Low­ell Ma­son. He la­ter worked at the New Eng­land Con­serv­a­tory of Mu­sic, and taught sing­ing in Mass­a­chu­setts and New York. He was the first mu­sic di­rect­or at the Chau­tau­qua Move­ment near Chau­tau­qua, New York, and was mu­sic­al ed­i­tor at Big­low and Main pub­lish­ers. His works in­clude:



  1. God Our Refuge
  2. Grander Than Ocean’s Story


  1. Awake! for the Trumpet Is Sounding!
  2. Beautiful Valley of Eden
  3. Bread of Life
  4. Chautauqua, Evening Praise
  5. Cutting
  6. Fully Persuaded
  7. Galilee, Bright Galilee
  8. God’s Love
  9. Hear the Call
  10. Heavenly Fold
  11. Mason
  12. Master’s Call, The
  13. Monsell (Sherwin)
  14. Praise the Giver of All
  15. Sherwin
  16. Sound the Battle Cry
  17. Wake the Song
  18. Whom Have I in Heaven?