Born: Oc­to­ber 9, 1810.

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 7, 1881, York, England.

Second son of Fran­cis Cor­bet of Coun­ty Adare, Meath, Ri­chard took the name of Sin­gle­ton, and gave his son Cor­bet as his giv­en name. Ed­u­cat­ed at Trin­i­ty Coll­ege, Dub­lin (BA 1830, MA 1833), Ri­chard was for some time War­den of St. Co­lum­ba Coll­ege, near Dub­lin, and sub­se­quen­tly First War­den of St. Pe­ter’s Coll­ege, Rad­ley (1847-51). In 1851, he re­tired to Monks­town, near Dub­lin, mov­ing lat­er to York. In ad­di­tion to writ­ing orig­in­al hymns, he trans­lat­ed a num­ber from La­tin and Ger­man. His works in­clude:



  1. As James the Great, with Glowing Zeal
  2. Beneath the Fit Tree’s Grateful Shade
  3. Cross Upraised on Calvary’s Height, The
  4. Father Show Us, Gracious Lord, The
  5. From Out the Deep, O Lord, on Thee
  6. Good Lord! Who Hast the Weighty Woes
  7. Hail! Highly Favored, Blessed Maid
  8. How Blest the Union, Gracious Lord
  9. In Weakness Great, and Strong in Hidden Might
  10. Jesu, Child of Mortal Throes
  11. Lo, Sea and Land Their Gifts Outpour
  12. Lord, Ever Show Thy Blessed Face
  13. Lord, Give Us of That Fervent Love
  14. Lord Hath Quelled the Rebel Powers, The
  15. Lord, He Gave the Word, The
  16. Lord, See How Swelling Crowds Arise
  17. Morning Light Hath Shed Its Beams, The
  18. O All Ye People, Clap Your Hands
  19. O Is It Naught to You Who Tread?
  20. O Lord, How Excellent Thy Name
  21. Thy Dear Disciple on the Sea
  22. When Fairest Eve in Eden Rose
  23. Who Comes from Edom, with His Robes
  24. Why Storm the Heathen?
  25. Why, Weary Mourner, Shed the Ceaseless Tear?
  26. With Gladsome Feet We Press
  27. With Me Is Luke, Alone of All
  28. Within a Chamber, Calm and Still
