Words: Un­known au­thor, 11th Cen­tu­ry (Sanc­te Dei pre­tio­se); trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by in the Hymn­al Not­ed, 1852, alt.

Music: St. Thom­as (Webbe), , Mo­tetts or An­ti­phons, 1792.

Saint of God, elect and precious,
Protomartyr Stephen, bright
With thy love of amplest measure,
Shining round thee like a light;
Who to God commendest, dying,
Them that did thee all despite.

Glitters now the crown above thee,
Figured in thy honored name:
O that we, who truly love thee,
May have portion in the same;
In the dreadful day of judgment
Fearing neither sin nor shame.

Laud to God, and might, and honor,
Who with flowers of rosy dye
Crowned thy forehead, and hath placed thee
In the starry throne on high:
He direct us, He protect us,
From death’s sting eternally.