Born: Cir­ca 1226, Roc­ca Sec­ca, King­dom of Na­ples.

Died: March 7, 1274, Fos­sa Nu­o­va.

Buried: Ori­gin­al­ly at the Do­min­i­can church in Tou­louse, France. Af­ter the French Re­vo­lu­tion, Aqui­nas’ re­mains were moved to the Church of St. Ser­nin.

One of our favorite anecdotes about Aquinas:

It is said that the the­o­lo­gian Thom­as Aquin­as…once called on Pope In­no­cent II when the lat­ter was count­ing out a large sum of mo­ney. The Pope re­marked, ‘You see, Thom­as, the church can no long­er say, ‘Silver and gold have I none.’” Aquin­as re­plied, “True, ho­ly fa­ther, but nei­ther can she now say, ‘Rise and walk.”’



  1. Adoro Te devote, latens Deitas
  2. O Salutaris Hostia
  3. Lauda Sion Salvatorem
  4. Pange ling­ua glor­i­os­i cor­por­is mys­ter­i­um
  5. Verbum Supernum prodiens
  6. Very Bread, Good Shepherd, Tend Us