Born: Cir­ca 1510, Par­is, France.

Died: 1561, Par­is, France.

Bourgeois fol­lowed John Cal­vin to Ge­ne­va, Swit­zer­land, in 1541. He be­came a can­tor at the Church of St. Pierre, and ed­it­ed the Ge­nev­an Psalt­er. At one point, he was jailed for mo­di­fy­ing some well known tunes. For­tun­ate­ly, hym­nists do not face such strict pen­al­ties to­day. Bour­geois re­port­ed­ly left Ge­ne­va in 1557. His works in­clude:



  1. Bourgeois
  2. Commandments
  3. Genevan Psalm CX
  4. Genevan Psalm CXVIII
  5. Genevan Psalm XII
  6. Le Cantique de Siméon
  7. L’Omnipotent
  8. O Esca Viatorum
  9. Old 100th
  10. Old 107th
  11. Old 122nd
  12. Rendez à Dieu
  13. St. Michael
