Born: Ju­ly 15, 1814, Yate­ley, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 2, 1878, Edg­bas­ton, War­wick­shire, Eng­land.

Buried: Red­nal, War­wick­shire, Eng­land. John New­man lies near­by.

Caswall was the son of Ro­bert Clarke Cas­wall, Vi­car of Yate­ley. He at­tend­ed Chig­well Gram­mar School, Marl­bo­rough School, and Brase­nose Coll­ege, Ox­ford, where he grad­u­at­ed with hon­ors. Be­fore leav­ing Ox­ford, he pub­lished, un­der the pseu­do­nym of Scrib­ler­us Red­i­vi­vus, “The Art of Pluck,” in imi­ta­tion of Aris­to­tle, a sa­tire on the ways of the care­less col­lege stu­dent.

In 1838, Caswall was or­dained as a dea­con, and 1839 as an An­gli­can priest. In 1840 he be­came per­pe­tu­al cur­ate at Strat­ford-sub-Cas­tle near Sal­is­bury. By 1847, though, he had switched to Ro­man Ca­thol­i­cism and went to the Or­a­tory of St. Phil­ip Ne­ri at Edg­bas­ton, where he did most of his hymn work. Cas­wall is best re­mem­bered as a trans­lat­or of an­cient hymns, though he al­so wrote orig­in­al ly­rics. His works in­clude:



  1. Days and Moments Quickly Flying
  2. Ho­ly Anthem, The
  3. If There Be Any Special Thing
  4. See Amid the Winter’s Snow
  5. Sleep, Ho­ly Babe


  1. Above the Starry Spheres
  2. All Ye Who Seek a Certain Cure
  3. An Exile for the Faith
  4. At the Cross, Her Sta­tion Keeping
  5. Come Hither, Ye Faithful
  6. Come, O Creator Spirit Blest
  7. Come, Thou Ho­ly Spirit, Come
  8. Dawn Is Sprinkling in the East, The
  9. Earth Has Ma­ny a Noble City
  10. Glory Be to Jesus
  11. Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding
  12. He Who Once in Righteous Vengeance
  13. Holy Spirit, Lord of Light
  14. I Met the Good Shepherd
  15. Jesu, Thy Mercies Are Untold
  16. Jesus, Brightness of the Father
  17. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
  18. Let Alverna’s Ho­ly Mountain
  19. Life Which God’s Incarnate Word, The
  20. My God, I Love Thee
  21. Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling
  22. Now with the Rising Golden Dawn
  23. O Hope of Every Contrite Heart
  24. O Jesu, Thou the Beauty Art
  25. O Jesus, King Most Wonderful
  26. O Saving Victim, Open Wide
  27. O Zion, Open Wide Thy Gates
  28. O’erwhelmed in Depths of Woe
  29. Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory
  30. Son of the Highest, Deign to Cast
  31. Sun Is Sinking Fast, The
  32. To Christ, the Prince of Peace
  33. When Morn­ing Gilds the Skies