Born: June 1, 1618, Gu­ben, Bran­den­burg, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: June 18, 1677, Gu­ben, Bran­den­burg, Ger­ma­ny. In 1877, on the bi­cen­ten­ni­al of his death, a tab­let to his mem­o­ry was af­fixed to the out­er wall of the Stadt­kirche at Gu­ben.

After his fa­ther’s death in 1620, Franck’s un­cle by mar­ri­age, the town judge, Ad­am Tielck­au, adopt­ed him and sent him to schools in Gu­ben, Cott­bus, Stet­tin, and Thorn. On June 28, 1638, Franck en­rolled at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Kö­nigs­berg, the on­ly Ger­man un­i­ver­si­ty left un­dis­turbed by the Thir­ty Years’ War. Here his re­li­gious spirit, his love of na­ture, and his friend­ship with such men as Si­mon Dach and Hein­rich Held, pre­served him from shar­ing in the ex­cess­es of his fel­low stu­dents. He re­turned to Gu­ben at Eas­ter, 1640, at his mo­ther’s ur­gent re­quest; she wished to have him near her in those times of war when Gu­ben fre­quent­ly suf­fered from the pre­sence of both Swed­ish and Sax­on troops.

After his re­turn from Prague, May, 1645, Franck be­gan prac­tic­ing as a law­yer. In 1648, he be­came a bur­gess and coun­cil­or, a Bur­ger­meis­ter in 1661, and in 1671 was ap­pointed the de­pu­ty from Gu­ben to the Land­tag (Di­et) of Low­er Lu­sa­tia.

Franck’s hymns ap­peared most­ly in the works of his friends Weich­man, Crü­ger, and Pe­ter. They were col­lect­ed in his Geist­lich­es Si­on (Gu­ben, 1674).



  1. Alle Welt, was lebt und webet
  2. Brunquell aller Güter
  3. Dreieinigkeit, der Gott­heit wahr­er Spie­gel
  4. Du geballtes Welt­gebäude
  5. Erweitert eure Pforten
  6. Herr Gott dich loben wir, Regier
  7. Herr Gott dich lot­ben wir, Ret­gier
  8. Herr, ich habe miss­ge­han­delt
  9. Herr Jesu, Licht der Heid­en
  10. Jesu, meine Freude
  11. Komm He­iden Hei­land, Lö­se­geld
  12. Lord, to Thee I Make Con­fess­ion
  13. Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele
  14. Unfold Your Gates and Open
  15. Unsre müden Aug­en­lied­er


  1. Ihr Himmel tröpfelt Tau in Eil’