Born: 1712, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: May 24, 1768, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: Bun­hill Fields Cem­e­te­ry, Lon­don Eng­land. John Bun­yan, John Rip­pon & Isaac Watts lie near­by.

Hart resisted Christ­i­an­i­ty while young, writ­ing the pamp­hlet The Un­rea­son­a­ble­ness of Re­li­gion, Be­ing Re­marks and An­im­ad­ver­sions on the Rev. John Wes­ley’s Ser­mon on Ro­mans 8:32. How­ev­er, Hart came to Christ in 1757, be­com­ing an e­norm­ous­ly pop­u­lar preach­er and hymn writ­er. Tens of thou­sands at­tend­ed his fun­er­al. Hart’s works in­clude:



  1. Behold What Awful Pomp
  2. Christ Is the Eternal Rock
  3. Christ­ians, Dismiss Your Fear
  4. Christ­ians in Your Several Sta­tions
  5. Come, Ho­ly Spirit, Come
  6. Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
  7. Descend from Heaven, Celestial Dove
  8. Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing, Lord
  9. Fountain of Christ Assist Me to Sing, The
  10. Gird Thy Loins Up, Christ­ian Sol­dier
  11. Glory to God on High
  12. Great High Priest, We View Thee Stooping
  13. Ho­ly Ghost, Inspire Our Praise
  14. How Wondrous Are the Works of God
  15. If Ever It Could Come to Pass
  16. Jesus Is Our God and Savior
  17. Jesus Once for Sinners Slain
  18. Jesus, While He Dwelt Below
  19. Lamb of God, We Fall Before Thee
  20. Let Us All with Grateful Prais­es
  21. Lord, Help Us on Thy Word to Feed
  22. Lord, Look on All Assembled Here
  23. Lord, We Lie Before Thy Feet
  24. Mercy is Welcome News Indeed
  25. Moon and Stars Shall Lose Their Light, The
  26. Much We Talk of Jesus’ Blood
  27. No Prophet, nor Dreamer of Dreams
  28. Now from the Garden to the Cross
  29. O for a Glance of Heavenly Day
  30. Once More We Come Before Our God
  31. Pray­er Is Ap­point­ed to Convey
  32. Sinner That Truly Believes, The
  33. Sons of God by Bless’d Adoption
  34. Suffering Savior, Lamb of God
  35. That Doleful Night Before His Death
