Born: June 28, 1703, Ep­worth, Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.

Died: March 2, 1791, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: Ci­ty Road Cha­pel, Lon­don, Eng­land.

John and his brother Charles found­ed the movement which be­came the Meth­od­ist de­nom­in­a­tion. Charles was the main hymn­ist in the fam­i­ly, but John trans­lat­ed a num­ber of hymns (most­ly Ger­man) him­self. He be­gan stu­dy­ing the German lan­guage on board the ship Sim­mons, which car­ried him and Charles to Georg­ia in 1735. Al­so on the ship were 26 Ger­man Mo­ra­vian col­o­nists, and Wesley want­ed to be able to talk with them and share in their wor­ship servi­ces.

Wesley’s works in­clude:



  1. Author of Life Di­vine
  2. How Happy Is the Pil­grim’s Lot
  3. We Lift Our Hearts to Thee
  4. Ser­vant of God, Well Done!


  1. All Glory to the Eternal Three
  2. Commit Thou All Thy Griefs
  3. Eternal Depth of Love Di­vine
  4. Extended on a Cursèd Tree
  5. Give to the Winds Thy Fears
  6. High on His Ev­er­last­ing Throne
  7. High Praise to Thee, All Gra­cious God
  8. Ho­ly Lamb, Who Thee Re­ceive
  9. I Thank Thee, Uncreated Sun
  10. I Thirst, Thou Wound­ed Lamb of God
  11. Into Thy Gra­cious Hands I Fall
  12. Jesu, Thy Soul Renew My Own
  13. Jesu, to Thee My Heart I Bow
  14. Jesu, Whose Glory’s Streaming Rays
  15. Jesus, Thy Blood and Right­eous­ness
  16. Jesus, Thy Bound­less Love to Me
  17. Lo, God Is Here!
  18. Meek, Patient Lamb of God, to Thee
  19. Monarch of All, with Low­ly Fear
  20. My Soul Be­fore Thee Pros­trate Lies
  21. Now I Have Found the Ground Where­in
  22. O God, My God, My All Thou Art!
  23. O God of God, in Whom Combine
  24. O God, of Good the Un­fa­thomed Sea
  25. O God Thou Bottomless Abyss
  26. O God, What Offering Shall I Give
  27. O Jesu, Source of Calm Repose
  28. O Thou to Whose All Search­ing Sight
  29. O Thou Who All Things Canst Control
  30. O Thou Whom Sinners Love, Whose Care
  31. Regardless Now of Things Below
  32. Shall I, for Fear of Fee­ble Man
  33. Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tow­er
  34. Thine, Lord, Is Wis­dom, Thine Alone
  35. Thou Hid­den Love of God
  36. Thou, Je­su, Art Our King
  37. Thou Lamb of God, Thou Prince of Peace
  38. Thou, True and Only God
  39. To Thee with Heart and Mouth I Sing
  40. What Shall We Of­fer Our Good Lord