Born: June 18, 1819, Port­land, Maine.

Died: Oc­to­ber 3, 1892, Cape Eliz­a­beth, Maine.

Buried: West­ern Cem­e­te­ry, Port­land, Maine.

Samuel was the young­er bro­ther of po­et Hen­ry Long­fel­low. Sam­u­el at­tend­ed both Har­vard Coll­ege and Cam­bridge Di­vin­i­ty School. Or­dained a Un­i­tar­i­an min­is­ter, he served church­es in Fall Riv­er, Mass­a­chu­setts (1848); Brook­lyn, New York (1853); and Ger­man­town, Penn­syl­van­ia (1860). His works in­clude:



  1. Again, as Evening’s Shadow Falls
  2. Beneath the Shadow of the Cross
  3. Eternal One, Thou Living God
  4. Father, Give Thy Benediction
  5. Go Forth to Life, O Child of Earth
  6. God of Ages and of Na­tions
  7. God of the Earth, the Sky, the Sea!
  8. God’s Trumpet Wakes the Slumbering World
  9. Ho­ly Spirit, Source of Gladness
  10. Ho­ly Spirit, Truth Divine
  11. I Look to Thee in Every Need
  12. In the Beginning Was the Word
  13. Light of Ages and of Na­tions
  14. Lo, the Earth Is Risen Again
  15. Love for All, and Can It Be?
  16. Loving Friend to All Who Bowed, The
  17. Now, on Land and Sea Descending
  18. Now While We Sing Our Closing Psalm
  19. Now with Crea­tion’s Morn­ing Song
  20. O God, in Whom We Live and Move
  21. O God, Thou Giver of All Good
  22. O God, Thy Children Gathered Here
  23. O Life That Makest All Things New
  24. O Still in Accents Sweet and Strong
  25. O Thou in Whom We Live and Move
  26. O Thou Whose Liberal Sun and Rain
  27. One Ho­ly Church of God Appears
  28. Out of the Dark, the Circling Sphere
  29. Peace, Peace on Earth!
  30. Sweet June Days Are Come Again, The
  31. Thou Lord of Life, Our Saving Health
  32. ’Tis Winter Now, the Fallen Snow
  33. Voice by Jordan’s Shore, A