Born: March 12, 1826, Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: No­vem­ber 25, 1899, Plain­field, New Jer­sey.

Buried: Hill­side Cem­e­tery, Plain­field, New Jer­sey.

Lowry at­tend­ed the Un­i­ver­si­ty at Lew­isb­urg (later re­named Buck­nell Un­i­ver­si­ty), where he be­came a pro­fess­or of lit­er­a­ture. He was or­dained as a Bap­tist min­is­ter and pas­tored at West Ches­ter, Penn­syl­van­ia; Bloom­ing­dale Bap­tist Church, New York Ci­ty; Han­son Place Bap­tist Church, Brook­lyn, New York; First Bap­tist Church, Lew­is­burg, Penn­syl­vania; and Park Ave­nue Bap­tist Church, Plain­field, New Jer­sey. He al­so worked as a mu­sic ed­i­tor at the Big­low Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, and helped found the Sixth Av­e­nue Bap­tist Church in New York Ci­ty. He wrote about 500 Gos­pel tunes, and join­tly ed­ited the fol­low­ing vol­umes:



  1. Angel’s Song, The
  2. Chorus of Fire
  3. How Can I Keep from Singing?
  4. Lead Them to Thee
  5. Low in the Grave He Lay
  6. Nothing but the Blood
  7. Only One Name
  8. Shall We Gather at the River?
  9. We Are Pilgrims of a Day
  10. Where Is My Boy Tonight?


  1. All the Way
  2. At the Cross There’s Room
  3. Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee
  4. Follow On
  5. Glad Tidings
  6. Heavenly Father
  7. Here Is Love
  8. Hide Thou Me
  9. Home at Last
  10. It Is I
  11. Marching to Zion
  12. Mistakes of My Life, The
  13. Need
  14. Never Shone a Light So Fair!
  15. No Hope in Jesus
  16. Oh, How Sweet When We Mingle
  17. One More Day’s Work
  18. Paxtang
  19. Resting By and By
  20. River of Life
  21. Room for the Penitent
  22. So Near to the Kingdom
  23. Something for Jesus
  24. Stevenson
  25. Taylor
  26. Wake Every Tuneful String
  27. When the Comforter Came
  28. Wholly Thine