Born: Ap­ril 3, 1872, Ross­ville, Ill­i­nois.

Died: May 18, 1964, To­le­do, Ohio.

Buried: Wood­lawn Cem­e­te­ry, To­le­do, Ohio.

Daughter of Will­iam and Lae­ti­tia Wil­son Og­don, Ina at­tend­ed Greer Coll­ege in Hoopes­ton, Il­li­nois, and taught in Il­linois schools (1892-1900). She wrote her first pub­lished hymn, “Open Wide the Win­dows,” in 1892—the be­gin­ning of a long term col­lab­o­ra­tion with com­pos­er Charles Ga­bri­el. She mar­ried fel­low teach­er James West­on Og­don in 1896, and in 1900, they moved to To­le­do, Ohio. Their on­ly child, Wil­liam Du­ley Og­don, was born in 1901.


  1. Brighten the Corner Where You Are
  2. Carry Your Cross with a Smile
  3. Could I Tell It
  4. Hark! I Hear My Name
  5. I Have Been Saved
  6. Living Where the Healing Waters Flow
  7. More Than These
  8. Open Wide the Windows
  9. Promise to Mother, The
  10. Who Will Open Mercy’s Door?
  11. You Must Open the Door (© 1934)