Born: Ju­ly 21, 1831, Pough­keep­sie, New York.

Son of a Bap­tist preach­er, Per­kins came from a fam­i­ly of 10 child­ren who sang and played var­i­ous in­stru­ments. His mu­sic les­sons be­gan at age three. Dur­ing his fa­ther’s pas­tor­ate at Ham­il­ton, New York, choir re­hears­als were oft­en held at the par­son­age; the lead­er would put the three year old on a small stool, on the ta­ble around which the choir was as­sem­bled, giv­ing him a chance to both see and hear. Later, Perkins would play the vi­o­lin­cel­lo in church, stand­ing on a stool to fin­ger the in­str­ument.

In 1839, the fam­i­ly moved to New York Ci­ty, where The­o­dore stu­died the pi­a­no­for­te. By age 19, while work­ing as a clerk, he used all his spare time to stu­dy voice and pi­a­no. In 1851, he went to Ham­il­ton, New York, to teach mu­sic at Ma­di­son Un­i­ver­si­ty (lat­er Col­gate) and the Fe­male Sem­in­ary.

In 1854, Perk­ins went to Port Jer­vis, New York, where he taught sing­ing school. In 1855, he mar­ried Ma­ry Cas­key, who for years was his so­pra­no so­lo­ist in ma­ny events. Soon af­ter the mar­ri­age, they moved to Sa­lem, New Jer­sey. In the sum­mer of 1856, he and his wife stu­died at the Nor­mal Acad­e­my of Mu­sic at North Read­ing, Mass­a­chu­setts, un­der Low­ell Ma­son and George Root. In 1859, Per­kins be­came co-prin­ci­pal, with Will­iam Brad­bu­ry, of the Nor­mal Acad­e­my of Mu­sic at Gen­e­seo, New York. He al­so worked in schools in North Pel­ham, On­tar­io, Can­a­da, and in Tunk­han­nock and Mead­ville, Penn­syl­van­ia, and served as mu­sic­al dir­ect­or in num­er­ous church­es in Brook­lyn, New York, and Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia. He al­so taught “voice cul­ture” at Prince­ton and La­fay­ette Un­i­ver­si­ties, the Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary, and Croz­er Sem­in­ary. His works in­clude:



  1. Angel’s Proclamation, The
  2. Dark is the Night
  3. Father, When Shall All the Weary Earth
  4. Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By
  5. Keep Thou My Way
  6. Lundie
  7. Nazareth
  8. Praise Ye Jehovah
  9. Repentance
