Born: Au­gust 1613, Cam­bridge, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 13, 1667, Lis­burn, Ire­land.

Buried: In the choir area at Dro­more Ca­thed­ral, Ire­land.

Son of a bar­ber, Taylor en­tered Cai­us Coll­ege, Cam­bridge, as a “si­zar” in 1626. He be­came a Fel­low of All Souls Coll­ege at Ox­ford in 1632; and Rec­tor of Up­ping­ham, Rut­land­shire, in 1638. Al­though im­pris­oned around 1642, dur­ing the great Pro­tect­or­ate he ran a school in Wales with Will­iam Ni­chol­son, and served as chap­lain to the Earl of Car­ber­ry at Gold­en Grove, Car­ma­then­shire. By 1658 he had moved to Ire­land, where he preached in Lis­burn and Por­tmore. He re­turned to Lon­don in ear­ly 1660, and signed the loy­al­ist De­clar­a­tion of the No­bil­i­ty and gen­try. In Jan­u­ary 1661, he be­came Bi­shop of Down and Con­nor; he was made a mem­ber of the Ir­ish Pri­vy Coun­cil in Feb­ru­a­ry; was en­trust­ed with the di­o­cese of Dro­more in March; and in the same year was ap­point­ed Vice Chan­cel­lor of the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Dub­lin.



  1. Full of Mercy, Full of Love
  2. Lord, Come Away, Why Dost Thou Stay
  3. Lord, Let Thy Flames of Ho­ly Charity
  4. My Soul Doth Pant Toward Thee
  5. Where Is This Blessed Babe