Born: November 25, 1697, Moers, Niederrhein, Germany.
Died: April 3, 1769, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
Buried: Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. |
Though the name is almost universally shown as the Germanized “Tersteegen,” his real name was Dutch: Gerrit ter Steegen. His father abandoned his mother, and Gerhard grew up in poverty. He wanted to study theology, but could not afford an education, so he went into commerce instead; he first worked in Mülheim an der Ruhr (near Moers and Duisburg). But Gerhard preferred the solitary life, so he gave up his sales job and worked as a weaver, knitting ribbons, studying at home in cloister-like asceticism, and reading theological books. He became an outstanding lay theologian, lay pastor, and mystic of the Protestant Pietism movement. From 1728 on, he was an itinerant preacher in the Protestant Erweckungsbewegung (“spiritual awakening movement”) in the Niederrhein region, and hosted home worship and prayer meetings.
Tersteegen was one of the two most famous 18th Century German hymn writers (the other being Joachim Neander). Beginning in 1729, he edited his famous book Geistliches Blumengärtlein inniger Seelen (Spiritual Flower Garden for Ardent Souls), a collection of hymns, spiritual lyrics and epigrams.
- Ach Gott, es taugt doch draussen nicht
- Ah God! The World Has Nought to Please
- Ach, könnt ich stille stein
- Ah, Could I But Be Still
- Oh! Could I But Be Still
- Allgenugsam Wesen
- All-Sufficient Being
- Thou All-Sufficient One! Who Art
- Thou, Whose Love Unshaken
- Bald endet sich mein Pilgerweg
- Weary Heart, Be Not Desponding
- Berufne Seelen! Schlafet nicht
- Ye Sleeping Souls, Awake from Dreams of Carnal Ease
- Sleep Not, O Soul by God Awakened
- Das ässre Sonnenlicht ist da
- Outer Sunlight Now Is There, The
- World’s Bright Sun Is Risen on High, The
- Das Kreuz ist dennoch gut
- Die Blümlein klein und gross in meines Herren Garten
- Flowers That in Jesu’s Garden Have a Place
- Full Many Flowers, in My Lord’s Garden Blooming
- Die Liebe will was ganzes haben
- Love Doth the Whole–Not Part–Desire
- Du schönstes Gotteskind
- Freue dich, du Kinder-Orden
- Children Rejoice, for God Is Come to Earth
- Little Children, God Above
- Für dich sei ganz mein Herz und Leben
- Constrain’d by Love So Warm and Tender
- My Soul Adores the Might of Loving
- Gott ist gegenwärtig
- Gott rufet noch, sollt ich nicht endlich hören
- Grosser Gott, in dem ich schwebe
- God, in Whom I Have My Being
- Jauchzet ihr Himmel! frohlocket ihr englische Chören
- Jedes Herz will etwas lieben
- Heart of Man Must Something Love, The
- Something Every Heart Is Loving
- Jesu, Den Ich Meine
- Jesu, der du bist alleine
- Jesus, Whom Thy Church Doth Own
- Jesu, mein Erbarmer! h&oum;re
- Jesus, Pitying Savior, Hear Me
- Nun so will ich denn mein Leben
- Lo! My Choice Is Now Decided
- Now at Last I End the Strife
- Jesus-Nam, du höchster Name
- Jesu’s Name, Thou Highest Name
- Liebwerther, süsser Gottes-Wille
- Thou Sweet Beloved Will of God
- O Will of God, All Sweet and Perfect
- Mein ganzer Sinn
- My Whole Desire Doth Deeply Turn Away
- Mein Gott, mein Gott, mein wahres Leben
- My God, My God, My Life Divine!
- Mein Herz, ein Eisen grob und alt
- A Rough and Shapeless Block of Iron Is My Heart
- Mein’n Augenblick
- Nun lobet alle Gottes Sohn
- Give Glory to the Son of God
- O Jesu, König, hoch zu ehren
- O liebe Seele! könnst du werden
- Dear Soul, Couldst Thou Become a Child
- Soul! Couldst Thou, While on Earth Remaining
- Wouldst Thou, My Soul, the Secret Find
- Siegesfürste, Ehrnkönig
- Conquering Prince and Lord of Glory
- So gehts von Schritt zu Schritt
- Thus, Step by Step, My Journey to the Infinite
- So ist denn doch nun abermal ein Jahr
- Thus, When Another Year of Pilgrim-Life
- Sollt ich nicht gelassen sein
- Should I Not Be Meek and Still
- Verborgne Gottesliebe du
- Von allen Dingen ab
- Wie bist du mir so innig gut
- How Gracious, Kind, and Good, My Great High Priest Art Thou
- Wie gut ists, wenn man abgespehnt
- How Sweet It Is, When, Wean’d from All
- Wiederum ein Augenblick
- Of My Time One Minute More
- One More Flying Moment
- Willkomm’n, verklärter Gottes Sohn
- Glorious Head, Thou Livest Now