Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 11, 1717, Pant­yce­lyn, Wales.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 11, 1791, Pant­yce­lyn, Wales.

Buried: Church of Llanfair (about a mile north of Llandovery, Wales).

Known as the “Sweet Sing­er of Wales,” Will­iams was or­dained a dea­con of the Es­tab­lished Church in 1740 by Dr. Cla­get, Bi­shop of St. Da­vid’s, and for three years served the cur­a­cies of Llanwrtyd and Llanddewi-Aberg­wesyn; he ne­ver re­ceived Priest’s Or­ders. He be­came ear­ly ac­quaint­ed with the re­viv­al­ist Dan­iel Row­lands, and for 35 years preached month­ly at Llaullian, Caio, and Llansawel, be­side mak­ing preach­ing jour­neys in north and south Wales. He was held in great esteem as a preacher. His works in­clude:



  1. Awake, My Soul, and Rise
  2. Beneath Thy Cross I Lay Me Down
  3. Cymer, Iesu, fi fel’ rydwyf
  4. Dros y brinian tywyl niwliog
  5. Enormous Load of Human Guilt, The
  6. Guide Me, O Thou Great Je­ho­vah
  7. Hark! The Voice of My Be­loved
  8. Jesus, Lead Us with Thy Pow­er
  9. Jesus, My Sav­ior Is Enough
  10. Jesus, Whose Al­mighty Scep­ter
  11. My God, My God, Who Art My All
  12. Savior, Look on Thy Beloved
  13. White and Rud­dy Is My Be­loved


  1. Pererin