Words: At­trib­ut­ed var­i­ous­ly to King Gus­tav­us Adolph­us of Swe­den; Ja­cob Fa­bri­cius (1593-1654), a chap­lain in Adolph­us’ ar­my; and (1584-1640) (Verz­a­ge nicht du Häuf­lein klein); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by in the Yat­ten­don Hymn­al, 1899, num­ber 72.

Music: Ascend­it De­us, (1753-1823).

Fear not, thou faithful Christian flock;
God is thy shelter and thy rock;
Fear not for thy salvation.
Though fierce the foe and dark the night,
The Lord of hosts shall be thy might,
Christ thine illumination.

Arise, arise, the foe defy!
Call on the Name of God most high,
That He with might endue you.
And Christ, your everlasting Priest,
In all your conflicts shall assist,
From strength to strength renew you.