Born: De­cem­ber 2, 1782.

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 24, 1851, Rom­sey, Buckinghamshire, Eng­land.

Buried: Rom­sey, Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land.

Father of Car­o­line No­el and el­der bro­ther of Bap­tist No­el, Ger­ard was ed­u­cat­ed at Ed­in­burgh and Cam­bridge. Taking Ho­ly Or­ders, he was suc­cess­iv­ely Cur­ate of Rad­well, Hert­ford­shire; Vi­car of Rain­ham and Rom­sey; and Ca­non of Win­ches­ter Ca­thed­ral. His works inc­lude:



  1. If Hu­man Kind­ness Meets Re­turn
  2. Stamped as the Pur­pose of the Skies
  3. When Mus­ing Sor­row Weeps the Past
