Born: Sep­tem­ber 17, 1835, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: March 2, 1899, East­bourne, Suss­ex, Eng­land.

Sangster at­tend­ed the Ci­ty of Lon­don School, and stu­died with Ed­ward Hop­kins, un­der whom he was a chor­is­ter at the Tem­ple Church, and with W. Rea. He went on to stu­dy in Ber­lin (1855) and at Ox­ford (BMus 1870, DMus 1877). He played the or­gan at Christ Church, Eal­ing, Lon­don, be­fore go­ing to Ber­lin; the Eng­lish Am­bass­a­dor’s Church in Ber­lin; the Lon­don church­es of St. Mi­chael, Ches­ter Square (until 1861) and All Saints, St. John’s Wood (1861-1864); the Par­ish Church of St. James, Wey­bridge, Sur­rey (1865-1872); St. Mi­chael’s Church, Pad­ding­ton, Lon­don (1872-1878) and St. Sav­iour’s Church, East­bourne, Sus­sex (1880-1889). He com­posed a Qua­dru­ple Chant set­ting of the Te De­um (1891); an­thems, in­cluding “Lo! Star Led Chiefs” (1888) and “Bless­ed Is the Man”; can­ta­tas such as The Lord is My Light; part songs; an Over­ture, Pre­lude and Fugue for Or­gan; and other works for org­an and pi­a­no.



  1. Ad Infernos
  2. Weybridge
