Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 24, 1836, Gil­des­kål, Nord­land, Nor­way.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 17, 1902, Os­lo, Nor­way.

Buried: Vår Frel­sers Cem­e­te­ry, Os­lo, Nor­way; Mag­nus Land­stad lies near­by.

A the­o­lo­gian and pro­fess­or of He­brew, Blix wrote his doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tion on The Words for Lord and King in He­brew. He was for ma­ny years a pro­fess­or of Se­mi­tic lang­uag­es at Os­lo Un­i­ver­si­ty, served as the Nor­we­gian Min­is­ter of Ec­cles­i­as­tic­al Af­fairs, and was in­stru­ment­al in in­tro­duc­ing the nynorsk lang­uage in­to Nor­we­gian hymn­o­dy. His works in­clude:


  1. Gud signe vårt dyre fedre­land (known as the na­tion­al hymn of No­rway)
  2. Med Jesus vil eg fara
  3. No livnar det i lun­dar
  4. Syng i stille mor­gon­stund­er


  1. Den store kvite flokk
  2. Himmelske Fader, herleg utan like
  3. Kyrkja ho er er eit gamalt hus