Born: 675, prob­ab­ly in Da­mas­cus, Syr­ia.

Died: De­cem­ber 4, circa 749.

Of a good fam­i­ly in Da­mas­cus, John was ed­u­cat­ed by the el­der Cos­mas, along with his fos­ter bro­ther, Cos­mas the Mel­o­dist. He held some of­fice un­der the Ca­liph, and lat­er re­tired to the lau­ra of St. Sa­bas, near Je­ru­sa­lem, along his fos­ter bro­ther. There he wrote his the­o­lo­gi­cal works and hymns, and was or­dained a priest of the church of Je­ru­sa­lem late in life. His en­e­mies called him Man­sur, for rea­sons un­known. His three ora­tions in favor of icons earned him the so­bri­quets Chry­sor­rhous and The Doc­tor of Christ­ian Art. His works in­clude:



  1. Δεῦτε πόμα πίωμεν
  2. Αισωμεν πάντες Λαοί
  3. Αναστασεως ημερα
  4. Κατήλθες έν τοίς κατωτάτοις
  5. Ορθρισωμεν ορθρου βαθεος
  6. Ποία τοῦ βίού τρυϕὴ διαμένει λύπης ἀμέτοχος
  7. Τας εδρας τας αιωνιας
  8. Αὕτη ἥ κλητή κλητή καὶ ἁγία ἡμέρα