Born: No­vem­ber 4, 1771, Ir­vine, Ayr­shire, Scot­land.

Died: Ap­ril 30, 1854, Mount, Shef­field, Eng­land.

Buried: Shef­field, Eng­land. In his mem­o­ry, a sta­tue was erect­ed in the Shef­field cem­e­tery, a stained glass win­dow was in­stalled in the par­ish church, and a pub­lic hall was named af­ter him.

Pseudonym: Alæus.

When Montgomery was five years old, his fam­i­ly moved to the Mo­rav­i­an set­tle­ment at Grace­hill, near Bal­ly­mena, Coun­ty An­trim. Two years lat­er, he was sent to the Ful­neck Sem­in­ary in York­shire. He left Ful­neck in 1787 to work in a shop in Mir­field, near Wake­field. Soon tir­ing of that, he se­cured a sim­i­lar po­si­tion at Wath, near Rother­ham, on­ly to find it as un­suit­a­ble as his pre­vi­ous job. A trip to Lon­don, hop­ing to find a pub­lish­er for his youth­ful po­ems, end­ed in fail­ure. In 1792, he glad­ly left Wath for Shef­field to be as­sist­ant to Mr. Gales, auc­tion­eer, book­sel­ler, and print­er of the Shef­field Reg­is­ter. In 1794, Gales left Eng­land to avoid po­lit­ic­al pro­se­cu­tion. Mont­gom­ery took the Shef­field Reg­is­ter in hand, changed its name to the Shef­field Iris, and con­tin­ued to ed­it it for 32 years. Dur­ing the next two years he was im­pris­oned twice, first for re­print­ing a song in com­mem­or­a­tion of the fall of the Bas­tille, then for giv­ing an ac­count of a ri­ot in Shef­field.

The ed­it­ing of his pa­per, the com­po­si­tion and pub­li­ca­tion of his po­ems and hymns, the de­liv­ery of lec­tures on po­e­try in Shef­field and at the Roy­al In­sti­tu­tion, Lon­don, and the ad­vo­ca­cy of for­eign mis­sions and the Bi­ble So­ci­e­ty, gave great va­ri­e­ty, but very lit­tle of stir­ring in­ci­dent in his life, though he did find time to write 400 hymns. In 1833, Mont­gom­ery re­ceived a roy­al pen­sion of £200 per year. His works in­clude:



  1. According to Thy Gra­cious Word
  2. Angels from the Realm of Glo­ry
  3. Be Known to Us in Break­ing Bread
  4. Be Joyful in God
  5. Behold the Book Whose Leaves Display
  6. Behold Yon Bright Array
  7. Bright and Joy­ful Is the Morn
  8. Call Je­ho­vah Thy Sal­va­tion
  9. Christ­ian Warrior, See Him Stand, The
  10. Come, Let Us Sing the Song of Songs
  11. Come to Cal­va­ry’s Ho­ly Mount­ain
  12. Come Ye That Fear the Lord
  13. Daughter of Zi­on, from the Dust
  14. Days and Years of Time Are Fled, The
  15. Fall Down, Ye Na­tions, and Adore
  16. Food, Raiment, Dwelling, Health and Friends
  17. Forever with the Lord
  18. Give Glory to God in the High­est
  19. Glad Was My Heart to Hear
  20. Glorious Universe Around, The
  21. Glory to the Father Give
  22. Go to Dark Geth­sem­a­ne
  23. Go Where a Foot Hath Never Trod
  24. God Be Merciful to Me
  25. God in the High and Ho­ly Place
  26. God Is My Strong Sal­va­tion
  27. God Is Our Re­fuge and De­fense
  28. God of Na­ture and of Grace, The
  29. Green Pastures and Clear Streams
  30. Hail to the Lord’s Anoint­ed
  31. Hark! The Song of Ju­bi­lee
  32. Hasten, Lord, to My Re­lease
  33. Have Mercy on Me, O My God
  34. Hear Me, O Lord, in My Dis­tress
  35. Hearken, Lord, to My Com­plaints
  36. Heaven Is a Place of Rest from Sin
  37. Heralds of Crea­tion Cry
  38. Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord God of Hosts
  39. Home, Kindred, Friends, and Coun­try, These
  40. How Beau­ti­ful the Sight
  41. How Precious Are Thy Thoughts of Peace
  42. I Cried unto the Lord Most Just
  43. I Love the Lord, He Lent an Ear
  44. In the Hour of Tr­ial
  45. In Time of Tri­bu­la­tion
  46. Jehovah Is Great, and Great His Praise
  47. Jesus, Our Best Beloved Friend
  48. Judge Me, O Lord, in Right­eous­ness
  49. Less Than the Least of All
  50. Let Me Go, the Day Is Break­ing
  51. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Brass
  52. Lord, Forever at Thy Side
  53. Lord God, the Ho­ly Ghost
  54. Lord Is King; Upon His Throne, The
  55. Lord Is My Shep­herd, The
  56. Lord, Let Me Know Mine End
  57. Lord, Let My Pray­er Like In­cense Rise
  58. Lord, Pour Thy Spir­it from on High
  59. Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright
  60. Not Here, as to the Pro­phet’s Eye
  61. Not in Jerusalem Alone
  62. Not to the Mount That Burned with Fire
  63. O Bless the Lord, My Soul
  64. O God, Thou Art My God Alone
  65. O Lord, Our King, How Excellent
  66. O My Soul, with All Thy Powers
  67. O Spirit of the Liv­ing God
  68. O Where Shall Rest Be Found?
  69. Of Old, O God, Thine Own Right Hand
  70. On the First Christ­ian Sab­bath Eve
  71. One Pray­er I Have
  72. One Thing with All My Soul’s Desire
  73. Our Heavenly Father Hear
  74. Out of the Depths of Woe
  75. Palms of Glo­ry
  76. People of the Liv­ing God
  77. Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, A
  78. Pour Out Thy Spirit from on High
  79. Praise the Lord Through Ev­ery Na­tion
  80. Pray­er Is the Soul’s Sin­cere De­sire
  81. Pure and Peaceful Mind, The
  82. Return, My Soul, unto Thy Rest
  83. Searcher of Hearts, to Thee Are Known
  84. Servants of God, in Joy­ful Lays
  85. Sing We the Song
  86. Songs of Praise the An­gels Sang
  87. Sow in the Morn Thy Seed
  88. Spirit of Power and Might, Behold
  89. Stand Up and Bless the Lord
  90. Tempter to My Soul Hath Said, The
  91. Thank and Praise Je­ho­vah’s Name
  92. Thee Will I Praise, O Lord in Light
  93. There Is a Calm for Those Who Weep
  94. This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
  95. Thrice Hap­py He Who Shuns the Way
  96. Thy Glo­ry, Lord, the Heav­ens Declare
  97. Thy Law Is Per­fect, Lord of Light
  98. Thy Word, Almighty Lord
  99. To Thy Tem­ple I Re­pair
  100. We Bid Thee Wel­come in the Name
  101. What Are These in Bright Array?
  102. What Is the Thing of Great­est Price?
  103. What Secret Hand at Morn­ing Light
  104. When J­esus Left His Fa­ther’s Throne
  105. When on Sinai’s Top I See
  106. Where Are the Dead?
  107. While Through This Chang­ing World We Roam
  108. Who Make the Lord of Hosts Their Tow­er
  109. Within These Walls Be Peace
  110. World in Con­dem­na­tion Lay, The
  111. Yes, I Will Ex­tol Thee