Born: Au­gust 14, 1810, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Ap­ril 19, 1876, Glou­ces­ter, Eng­land.

Buried: Ex­e­ter, Eng­land.

Wesley, a not­ed or­gan­ist and the­a­ter con­duct­or, was a grand­son of hymn­ist Charles Wes­ley. Sam­u­el’s mu­sic­al ca­reer be­gan as a choir boy in the Cha­pel Roy­al and St. Paul’s. In 1826, he be­gan serv­ing as an or­gan­ist, and start­ed com­pos­ing re­li­gious mu­sic. He played the or­gan at Here­ford (where he eloped with the Dean’s daugh­ter), Exeter, Leeds par­ish church, Win­ches­ter, and Glou­ces­ter. In ad­di­tion, he taught at the Roy­al Acad­e­my, be­gin­ning in 1850. He wrote about 38 an­thems, and worked on ma­ny hymns.



  1. Alcester
  2. Alleluia
  3. Almsgiving
  4. Aurelia
  5. Brecknock
  6. Cambridge
  7. Colchester
  8. Communion
  9. Cornwall
  10. Day-Star
  11. Ellingham
  12. Engedi
  13. Epiphany
  14. Eternity
  15. Grosvenor
  16. Harewood
  17. Hawarden
  18. Hereford
  19. Hornsey
  20. Houghton-le-Spring
  21. Leyden
  22. Morning
  23. Reliance
  24. Snohomish
  25. St. Michael New
  26. Stafford
  27. Wetherby
  28. Willingham
  29. Winscott