

Also see Epiphany

  1. Ah, Dear­est Je­sus
  2. Ah! Lord God, the World’s Cre­at­or
  3. All Glo­ry to God
  4. All Glo­ry to God to God in the Sky
  5. All Hail to Thee, O Blessed Morn!
  6. All in the Si­lent Night
  7. All My Heart This Night Re­joices
  8. All My Heart with Joy Is Spring­ing
  9. All Praise to Thee, Eter­nal God
  10. All Wise, All Good, Al­mighty Lord
  11. All This Night Bright An­gels Sing
  12. Ancient Law De­parts, The
  13. And Art Thou Come with Us to Dwell
  14. Angel Ga­bri­el from Hea­ven Came, The
  15. Angels Adore Him
  16. Angels’ Chor­us, The
  17. Angels from the Realm of Glo­ry
  18. Angel’s Pro­cla­ma­tion, The
  19. Angel’s Song, The
  20. Angels’ Sweet Re­frain, The
  21. Angels We Have Heard on High
  22. As Each Hap­py Christ­mas
  23. As Jo­nah, Is­su­ing from His Three Days’ Tomb
  24. As Jo­seph Was a Walk­ing
  25. As on the Night Be­fore
  26. As Sha­dows Cast by Cloud and Sun
  27. As with Glad­ness, Men of Old
  28. Awake, My Soul, Awake, My Tongue
  29. Away in a Man­ger
  30. Away! with Loy­al Hearts and True
  31. Away with Our Fears!
  32. Babe in Bethlem’s Man­ger, The
  33. Babe Is Born, A
  34. Babe Is Born in Beth­le­hem, A
  35. Baby of Beth­le­hem, The
  36. Ballad of the Cross, The
  37. Ballad of Wise Men, A
  38. Be Ye Joy­ful, Earth and Sky
  39. Beautiful Beth­le­hem Bells
  40. Beautiful Christ­mas
  41. Beautiful Star
  42. Behold, the Grace Ap­pears!
  43. Behold the Great Cre­at­or Makes
  44. Behold, the Joy­ful Day Is Nigh
  45. Birthday of a King, The
  46. Birthday of Our King, The
  47. Blasts of Chill December, The
  48. Blessed Night, When First That Plain
  49. Blest Christ­mas Morn
  50. Break Forth, O Beau­te­ous Hea­ven­ly Light
  51. Bright and Glor­i­ous Is the Sky
  52. Bright and Joy­ful Is the Morn
  53. Bright An­gel Hosts Are Heard on High
  54. Bright Was the Guid­ing Star That Led
  55. Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
  56. Bring a Torch, Jean­ette, Is­a­bel­la
  57. Calm on the List­en­ing Ear of Night
  58. Carol, Car­ol, Christ­ians
  59. Carol, Sweet­ly Car­ol
  60. Cedar of Le­ba­non, The
  61. Cedars and the Pines, The
  62. Child and the Shep­herd, The
  63. Child in the Man­ger
  64. Child of Beth­le­hem, The
  65. Child This Day Is Born, A
  66. Christ Is Born! Tell Forth His Fame!
  67. Christians, Awake, Sa­lute the Hap­py Morn
  68. Christians, Car­ol Sweet­ly
  69. Christians, Sing Out with Ex­ul­ta­tion
  70. Christmas An­them
  71. Christmas Bells
  72. Christmas Brings Joy to Ev­ery Heart
  73. Christmas Day Joy­ous
  74. Christmas Morn­ing
  75. Christmas Mu­sic
  76. Christians, Lo, the Star Ap­peareth
  77. Christ’s Na­tal Day
  78. Clearly in the East It Shone
  79. Come, All Ye Shep­herds
  80. Come, and Christ the Lord Be Praising
  81. Come, Child­ren, Raise Your Voic­es
  82. Come Child­ren, with Sing­ing
  83. Come Hith­er, Ye Child­ren
  84. Come Hith­er, Ye Faith­ful
  85. Come, List­en to My Sto­ry
  86. Come Re­joic­ing, Prais­es Voic­ing
  87. Come, Thou Re­deem­er of the Earth
  88. Come with the Wise Men
  89. Come, Ye Lofty
  90. Come, Your Hearts and Voic­es Rais­ing
  91. Comfort, Com­fort Ye My Peo­ple
  92. Coventry Car­ol
  93. Cradled in a Man­ger, Mean­ly
  94. Dawning Fair, Morn­ing Won­der­ful
  95. Day, a Day of Glo­ry, A
  96. Day of Re­demp­tion
  97. Day the Christ Child’s Ten­der Eyes, The
  98. Dear Christ­ian Peo­ple All, Re­joice
  99. Dear Lit­tle One
  100. Dear Lit­tle Strang­er
  101. Ding Dong Mer­ri­ly on High
  102. Do You Know the Song That the An­gels Sang
  103. Dost Thou in a Man­ger Lie?
  104. Down from His Glo­ry
  105. Down from the Worlds of Ra­di­ant Light
  106. Earth Has Ma­ny a No­ble Ci­ty
  107. Echoed Song, The
  108. Eternal Glo­ry of the Sky
  109. Evergreen, Hol­ly and Laur­el
  110. Far, Far Away on Ju­dea’s Plains
  111. Father, Our Hearts We Lift
  112. Father’s Sole Begotten Son, The
  113. First Christ­mas Song, The
  114. First No­el, The
  115. Flocks Were Wrapped in Slum­ber, The
  116. For un­to Us a Child Is Born
  117. Friendly Beasts, The
  118. From Church to Church
  119. From East to West, from Shore to Shore
  120. From Ev­ery Spire on Christ­mas Eve
  121. From Hea­ven Above to Earth I Come
  122. From High­est Hea­ven, on Joy­ous Wing
  123. From Lands That See the Sun Arise
  124. From the East­ern Mount­ains
  125. Gather Round the Christ­mas Tree
  126. Gentle Ma­ry Laid Her Child
  127. Gentle Sav­ior, Day and Night
  128. Give Heed, My Heart
  129. Glad Christ­mas Bells
  130. Glad Tid­ings (Bennett)
  131. Glad Tid­ings (Cros­by)
  132. Glorious, Beau­te­ous, Gold­en-Bright
  133. Glorious Yuletide
  134. Glory Be to God on High
  135. Glory to Beth­le­hem
  136. Go, Tell It on the Mount­ain
  137. God from on High Hath Heard
  138. God Rest Ye Mer­ry, Gen­tlemen
  139. God with Us
  140. God’s Dear Son With­out Be­gin­ning
  141. Golden Bells, The
  142. Good Christ­ian Men, Re­joice
  143. Good King Wenceslas
  144. Good News from Hea­ven the An­gels Bring
  145. Gospel Bells, The
  146. Great and Mighty Won­der, A
  147. Great God of Hea­ven, The
  148. Hallowed Night
  149. Hark from on High Those Bliss­ful Strains!
  150. Hark! Hark! the Notes of Joy
  151. Hark! the Full-Voiced Choir Is Sing­ing
  152. Hark! the Her­ald An­gels Sing
  153. Hark! the Skies with Mu­sic Sound
  154. Hark, the Sounds Me­lo­di­ous Steal­ing
  155. Hark! What Mean Those Ho­ly Voic­es?
  156. Hark! What Sounds Are Sweet­ly Steal­ing?
  157. He Be­came In­car­nate
  158. He Com­eth, Fa­ther, as He Came of Old
  159. He Has Come, the Christ of God
  160. He Is Born
  161. He Shall Be Called
  162. Hearken, All! What Ho­ly Sing­ing
  163. Here Is Joy for Ev­ery Age
  164. High Word of God
  165. Holly and the Ivy, The
  166. Holy Son of God Most High, The
  167. How Beau­ti­ful the Mys­te­ry
  168. How Blest Were They on Beth­le­hem’s Plain
  169. How Bright Ap­pears the Morn­ing Star
  170. How Bright­ly Beams the Morn­ing Star!
  171. How Great Our Joy
  172. How Vain the Cru­el He­rod’s Fear
  173. Hush, All Ye Sounds of War
  174. Hush, My Babe
  175. I Am so Glad Each Christ­mas Eve
  176. I Heard the Bells on Christ­mas Day
  177. I Know Not How That Beth­le­hem’s Babe
  178. I Love to Hear Sweet Voic­es Sing
  179. I Love to Hear the Sto­ry
  180. I May Not Go To­night to Beth­le­hem
  181. I Saw Three Ships Come Sail­ing In
  182. I Sing the Birth Was Born To­night
  183. Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise
  184. Immortal Babe, Who This Dear Day
  185. In a Man­ger, Laid so Low­ly
  186. In a Low­ly Man­ger Sleep­ing
  187. In the Bleak Mid­win­ter
  188. In the Ear­ly Morn­ing, Ear­ly
  189. In the Field with Their Flocks Abid­ing
  190. In the Lo­wly Man­ger Ly­ing
  191. In the Lone­ly Mid­night
  192. In the Same Coun­try
  193. In the Si­lence of the Night
  194. Incarnation Hymn
  195. Infant Ho­ly, In­fant Low­ly
  196. Infant Lay With­in a Shed, An
  197. Is Thy Heart Athirst to Know?
  198. It Came up­on the Mid­night Clear
  199. Jesu, the Fa­ther’s On­ly Son
  200. Join All Ye Joy­ful Na­tions
  201. Joseph Dear­est
  202. Joy Bells Are Ring­ing
  203. Joy Fills Our In­most Hearts To­day!
  204. Joy to the World
  205. Joyful Morn Is Break­ing, The
  206. King Might Miss the Guid­ing Star, A
  207. Kings of the East Are Rid­ing, The
  208. Kings of the Orient
  209. Lands That Long in Dark­ness Lay, The
  210. Leave, Shep­herds, Leave, Your Peace­ful Flocks
  211. Let All Mor­tal Flesh Keep Si­lence
  212. Let An­gels and Arch­an­gels Sing
  213. Let Earth and Hea­ven Com­bine
  214. Let Heav’n and Earth Re­joice and Sing
  215. Let Our Glad­ness Have No End
  216. Let Sigh­ing Cease and Woe
  217. Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
  218. Let Us All with Glad­some Voice
  219. Let Us Now Go to Beth­le­hem
  220. Light of Beth­le­hem, The
  221. Like Sil­ver Lamps in a Dis­tant Shrine
  222. Like the Sound of Ma­ny Wa­ters
  223. Listen, Lord­ings, un­to Me
  224. Little Child Is Born To­night, A
  225. Little Child­ren, Can You Tell?
  226. Little Child­ren, Do You Know?
  227. Little Child­ren, Rise and Sing
  228. Lo, How a Rose E’er Bloom­ing
  229. Long Ago
  230. Long Ago a Shin­ing Throng
  231. Long Years Ago O’er Beth­le­hem’s Hills
  232. Lord at First Had Adam Made, The
  233. Love Came Down at Christ­mas
  234. Lowly Shep­herds of Ju­dea
  235. Magi Came from Lands Afar, The
  236. Make Thee Rea­dy, as Best Thou Art Able
  237. Maker of the Sun and Moon, The
  238. Manger-babe, The
  239. Merry, Mer­ry Christ­mas Bells
  240. Meteor Bright Its Won­drous Light, A
  241. Mortals Awake, with An­gels Join
  242. Music of the An­gels
  243. Music on Christ­mas Morn­ing
  244. Nations That Long in Dark­ness Walked
  245. Never Shone a Light so Fair!
  246. Newborn King Who Comes To­day, The
  247. No Room in the Inn
  248. Now Are the Days Ful­filled
  249. Now Is­ra­el’s Hope in Tri­umph Ends
  250. Now Let Us Sing the An­gels’ Song
  251. Now Lift the Car­ol
  252. Now Praise We Christ, the Ho­ly One
  253. Now Yield We Thanks and Praise
  254. O Bethlem Town To­night Is Cold
  255. O Bless­èd Je­sus, This
  256. O Chief of Cities, Beth­le­hem
  257. O Child of Low­ly Man­ger Birth
  258. O Christ, Re­deem­er of Our Race
  259. O Christ­mas Night!
  260. O Come, All Ye Faith­ful
  261. O Come, O Come, Em­man­u­el
  262. O Come, Re­deem­er of Man­kind
  263. O Ho­ly Night
  264. O How Shall I Keep My Christ­mas?
  265. O Je­su Christ, All Praise to Thee
  266. O Je­sus Christ, Thy Man­ger Is
  267. O Je­sus, King of Glo­ry
  268. O King of Glo­ry! Da­vid’s Son!
  269. O Lit­tle Town of Beth­le­hem
  270. O Lord, Our God, in Ador­a­tion
  271. O Mer­cy Di­vine, O Couldst Thou Incline
  272. O Sav­ior, Whom This Ho­ly Morn
  273. O Sing a Song of Beth­le­hem
  274. O, Sing We a Car­ol
  275. O Thou Joy­ful, O Thou Won­der­ful
  276. O Thou Who by a Star Didst Guide
  277. O’er the Hill and O’er the Vale
  278. Of the Fa­ther’s Love Begotten
  279. Oh, Come, Lit­tle Child­ren
  280. Oh Realm of Light
  281. Oh, Re­joice, Ye Christ­ians, Loud­ly
  282. On a Christ­mas Morn­ing
  283. On Christ­mas Night All Christ­ians Sing
  284. On a Day When Men Were Count­ed
  285. On Ju­dah’s Plains as Shep­herds Sat
  286. On the Birth­day of the Lord (Lit­tle­dale)
  287. On the Birth­day of the Lord (Wash­burn)
  288. On This Night, Most Ho­ly
  289. Once in Beth­le­hem of Ju­dah
  290. Once in Roy­al Da­vid’s Ci­ty
  291. Once O’er Ju­dea’s Hills by Night
  292. Only Son from Hea­ven, The
  293. Our Day of Joy Is Here Again
  294. Our Mes­sage
  295. Peaceful the Won­drous Night
  296. People That in Dark­ness Walked, The
  297. Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men
  298. Precious Child, so Sweet­ly Sleep­ing
  299. Race That Long in Dark­ness Pined, The
  300. Rejoice, Re­joice, This Hap­py Morn
  301. Rejoice, Re­joice, Ye Christ­ians
  302. Rejoice To­day
  303. Ring On, Ye Bells
  304. Ring Out the Bells for Christ­mas
  305. Ring, Ring the Bells, the Joy­ful Bells
  306. Rise Up, Shep­herd, and Fol­low
  307. Rod of the Root of Jesse
  308. Rorate
  309. Royal Day That Chas­eth Gloom
  310. Savior of the Na­tions, Come
  311. Saw You Ne­ver, in the Twi­light?
  312. See amid the Win­ter’s Snow
  313. Shades of Si­lent Night Di­vid­ing
  314. Shepherd Band Their Flocks, A
  315. Shepherds of Beth­le­hem, The
  316. Shepherds, Re­joice! Lift Up Your Eyes
  317. Shepherds! Shake off Your Drow­sy Sleep
  318. Shepherds, What Joy­ful Tid­ings
  319. Shine Calm and Bright, Ye Moon­beams Light
  320. Shine On
  321. Shine On, Beth­le­hem’s Star
  322. Shining Out of Dark­ness
  323. Shout of Mighty Tri­umph, A
  324. Shout the Glad Tid­ings
  325. Silent Night
  326. Silent Night! Hal­lowed Night!
  327. Silver Star, The
  328. Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn
  329. Sing Out Your Glad­some Car­ols
  330. Sing, Sing for Christ­mas!
  331. Sing We Mer­ry Christ­mas
  332. Sing, Ye Ran­somed Na­tions, Sing
  333. Sing Ye the Songs of Praise
  334. Sky Can Still Re­mem­ber, The
  335. Sleep! Ho­ly Babe
  336. Sleep, Lit­tle Ba­by
  337. Sleep, My Lit­tle Je­sus
  338. Slowly Fall the Snow­flakes
  339. Snow Lay on Ground, The
  340. Song and a Car­ol for Christ­mastide, A
  341. Songs of Praise the An­gels Sang
  342. Soul Where­in God Dwells, The
  343. Star in the East
  344. Star, Beau­ti­ful Star
  345. Star of Beth­le­hem (Skoog), The
  346. Star of Beth­le­hem (Worrell)
  347. Star Pro­claims the King Is Here, The
  348. Star of Beau­ty
  349. Stars All Bright Are Beam­ing
  350. Story of the Wise Men
  351. Story That Ne­ver Grows Old, The
  352. Sweeter Sounds That Mu­sic Knows
  353. Tale of the Old­en Time, A
  354. Thee, O Im­man­u­el, We Praise
  355. There Came a Lit­tle Child to Earth
  356. There’s a Song in the Air
  357. They All Were Look­ing for a King
  358. This Blessed Night
  359. This Day a Child Is Born
  360. This End­ris Night
  361. This Night a Won­drous Re­ve­la­tion
  362. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
  363. Thou Fair­est Child Di­vine
  364. Thousand Years Have Come and Gone, A
  365. Thy Lit­tle Ones, Dear Lord, Are We
  366. ’Tis Christ­mas Day
  367. To Shep­herds as They Watched by Night
  368. To Thee My Heart I Of­fer
  369. To Thee, O God, the Shep­herd Kings
  370. To Us a Child of Hope Is Born
  371. To Us a Child of Roy­al Birth
  372. To Wea­ry Shep­herds Sleep­ing
  373. Triumph, Ye Hea­vens!
  374. Unto Us a Boy Is Born
  375. Unto Us a Child Is Born
  376. ’Twas in the Moon of Win­ter­time
  377. ’Twas in the Win­ter Cold
  378. Virgin Most Pure, A
  379. Virgin Pure, Both Meek and Mild, A
  380. Virgin Un­spot­ted, A
  381. Virgin Stills the Cry­ing, The
  382. Waits’ Song, The
  383. Waken! Christ­ian Child­ren
  384. Waking Out of Si­lence
  385. Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
  386. We Christ­ians May Re­joice To­day
  387. We Sing, Im­man­u­el, Thy Praise
  388. We Three Kings
  389. We Would See Je­sus
  390. We’ve Been Told a Joy­ful Thing
  391. Welcome God’s and Ma­ry’s Son
  392. Welcome to Christ­mas
  393. Wexford Car­ol, The
  394. What Child Is This?
  395. What Means This Glo­ry Round Our Feet
  396. What Soul In­spir­ing Mu­sic
  397. What Star Is This, with Beams so Bright?
  398. When Christ Was Born in Beth­le­hem
  399. When Christ­mas Morn Is Dawn­ing
  400. When Christ’s Ap­pear­ing Was Made Known
  401. When from the East the Wise Men Came
  402. When Jo­seph Went with Ma­ry
  403. When Marshaled on the Night­ly Plain
  404. When Mo­ther Love Makes All Things Bright
  405. When Wise Men Came Seek­ing
  406. Whence Come This Rush of Wings?
  407. Where Is the Ho­ly Heav’n-born Child?
  408. While Shep­herds Watched Their Flocks
  409. While the World Await­ed
  410. While Their Flocks the Shep­herds Tended
  411. Whispering Winds Soft­ly Sigh­ing
  412. Who Is He in Yon­der Stall?
  413. Who Is This so Weak and Help­less
  414. Why, He­rod, Un­re­lent­ing Foe
  415. Why, Im­pi­ous He­rod, Shouldst Thou Fear
  416. Winter Night Was Dark and Still, The
  417. Wise May Bring Their Learning, The
  418. Wise Men Saw a Light Afar, The
  419. Wonder of the Sto­ry, The
  420. Wonderful Night!
  421. Wonderful Star, The
  422. Worcester Christ­mas Car­ol, The
  423. Ye Hea­ven­ly Choir
  424. Ye Simple Men of Hearts Sin­cere